Real Estate Thursday: A Strategic Play in Residential Real Estate

Military Precision Meets Real Estate Innovation

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Dear Bottom Line Investor,

Welcome to "Real Estate Thursday," where today we spotlight a compelling opportunity that merges the strength of U.S. residential real estate with the precision of military strategy.

Read on to discover why VictoryBase isn't just a real estate company; it's a visionary enterprise aiming to revolutionize the housing market, especially for America's heroes.

A Revolutionary Real Estate Model

VictoryBase has pioneered a transformative approach to residential living, especially attractive in today's undersupplied housing market.

By empowering residents to become equity owners in the company itself, VictoryBase aligns the interests of its community with the growth of the company, making it more than just a place to live—it’s a place to invest.

With $24.2 million in high-quality residential assets under management and a clear focus on properties adjacent to major military installations, VictoryBase serves a niche yet highly valuable sector. The firm boasts an innovative model where monthly payments by residents are not just rent—they're investments into the company, fostering a shared growth mindset.

Leadership with Proven Grit and Vision

The team steering VictoryBase is as impressive as its business model.

  • Thomas Paquin, a former Marine Corps FA-18 Top Gun pilot and repeat founder with 2x successful exits.

  • John W Sharkey, a graduate of both West Point and Cornell’s MBA program with a robust real estate background.

  • Justin Allen, a former Green Beret and MBA graduate of Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management with extensive financial expertise.

Financial Performance and Future Prospects

Since its inception, VictoryBase has demonstrated substantial financial growth:

  • Share Price Increase: From $10.00 in August 2023 to $11.11 in April 2024, marking an 11.1% increase, with another increase anticipated this October.

  • Asset Appreciation and Occupancy: Properties like VictoryBase SC1 and NY1 have not only maintained high occupancy rates but have also seen significant appreciation and enhanced operating incomes.

This trajectory is underpinned by a solid investment rationale. According to the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries, residential and diversified real estate investments have yielded average annual returns of 10.3% over 25 years, outperforming the S&P 500.

Focused on Long-Term Growth

It’s crucial to note that Victory Base is a growth-focused entity. Instead of distributing dividends, it reinvests profits to fuel further expansion and increase shareholder value through rising share prices.

Early investors have already seen a 11.11% increase in their investment value, and with the company's growth trajectory, more is expected.

The Bottom Line: A Unique Investment in Residential Real Estate

VictoryBase stands out in "Real Estate Thursday" not just for its unique investment proposition but also for its potential to reshape the real estate landscape.

By investing in VictoryBase, you are not just putting money into real estate; you are supporting a model that offers long-term growth, stability, and innovation, all while serving those who serve our country.

As we explore the vast possibilities within the real estate sector, VictoryBase exemplifies how strategic vision, combined with a commitment to service and innovation, can create enduring value.

Happy investing,

Bottom Line Investing

P.S. If you’re looking to stay on top of cutting-edge innovations we recommend checking out…

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